Ian’s Training Category

One Sleep…

July 3rd, 2008 by ianmadelin in Ian's Training
I can hardly contain my excitement now, I have packed and repacked several times this week already and have been adding some finer finishing touches. Sorted all my chore’s and am ready for the action.
I got a little over enthuised on Tuesday evening, knocking out a short sixteen mile sprint tow path circuit, over stretching my knee slightly, was very painful yesterday but the signs are good this morning.
I’ve ran out of lasagne now, so I’ve started gathering a few extra kebab pounds to ensure I keep my physical frame, I think I may have had a little too much to drink last night, because the portion purchased seemed much smaller than the deposit on my plate, I’m sure the package inflated upon opening, very yummy all the same.
Right, no more chatter, back to last minute fund raising and packing.

Five Sleeps…

June 29th, 2008 by ianmadelin in Ian's Training
Not long now and I really can’t wait to get started, I’m even more excited about the trip than ever before, and have even started chalking down the countdown.
After the previous weeks separate episodes with a Ford Escort driver and Royal Mail truckee, and following some nervous re-confidence runs, I soon got back to routine and knocked out some valuable mileage last week. But training is well and truely over, all bar a few chore’s have been dealt with and I’ve started gathering a few more invaluable lasagne pounds to ensure I don’t waste away next week, my days in the backs are surely numbered, front row here I come.
I’m focussing now on a little relaxation and life enjoyment before the departure, although
I did do some a short stint this morning to loosen those legs and briefly cycled with the British Triathlon team, well I tried anyway, they caught me on a hill and cruised past me with seemingly no effort what so ever, go Britain go in 2012, Beijing or whenever.
Right, no rest for the wicked, better get back to the packing.

Cave in…

June 18th, 2008 by ianmadelin in Ian's Training

After numerous incidents involving foot stamping and some pseudo tool throwing I have finally cracked. I now categorically state that “there will be no more A244 roadside tantrums, no more canal topping up tears, and no more French vocabulary practised in Pirbright”.

After enduring six punctures in the last four days, I have finally threw changed my sad excuse for cross-terrain tyres to the two beautiful little road burners I’ve been saving for our trip.

I am pleased with the change, reduced time, confidence in my equipment, a smooth and somewhat relaxing ride, and more importantly a big smile on my face, particularly when battling the buses in MY lane and evading the couriers who are eagerly delivering the needs and deadlines of the very busy many.

Long may it continue…

Has it really been that long…

June 8th, 2008 by ianmadelin in Ian's Training
The last few weeks have been packed full of loaded distances and punctures. I’ve been riding everywhere with packs to build up my stamina, the weight is much heavier than that planned for our journey, but hopefully that’ll benefit me later. The results have been staggering. Eight punctures over the last five hundred miles, my legs have swollen, the belly has tightened, my buttocks are now facing each other, I’ve started going grey, and my hair line has started receding! What next?

Two Gear’s and the South Down’s…

May 20th, 2008 by ianmadelin in Ian's Training

Its been a tough couple of weeks with work, work, raining and training but I am catching up with my training programme deficit rapidly. I’ve totally worn the bearings on my beast out now, so I’ve been using my wife’s chariot as an interim replacement. I spent a few hours servicing the machine, I knew there was a reason why She was SO happy for me to use it, and now well oiled and mechanically sound, I have making steady progress into the weekly requirement.

The road tyres are a welcomed relief but I do miss the Landrover rumble that accompanies you with tow path treads on tarmac, but I’m sure I’ll get used to it, particularly the speed gain. The gears however went AWOL on Sunday. After kicking off early on Sunday I managed to lose the changing facility completely, a tweak gave me three but that shortly failed on Vokes Road whilst overtaking some road works. I soldiered on until a mountain just off the A32 near Alfresford, where I rigged a temporary string mechanism to give me a one up and down change effect, it was good effort for training purposes but doing the downs in mid range gears is very painful on the hamstrings, and I wouldn’t recommend it anyone else.

That said, it was a lovely ride down in glorious sunshine, and the Portsmouth celebrations required a more leisurely and comfortable journey back. I bottled the ride and took the train to Woking, although I did a longer route home racking up another ten miles. The gear system will be restored in preparation for this evenings jaunt, so who shall I suprise tonight, who do I know that make’s really great cheese and pickle sandwiches, and is in on a Tuesday!

Getting lost…

May 6th, 2008 by ianmadelin in Ian's Training

Valuable rest was gained by taking the family camping in Bury for an extended weekend. The weather was simply fantastic and it only rained when I was cooking. Great people, good sights, loads to see and do and I recommend it highly.

Day off today, well that was the plan anyway, I must look into call barring. I spent just under five hours in the saddle this morning, and felt like I could have done more. I got lost again on the Thames Path, this time approaching Laleham, I think someone may have been playing with the signs. Still I found a nice alternative route, but spent what felt like half an hour trying to find the river again, all good mileage all the same. The ride felt good and even the saddle treated me well.

The bearings are starting to wear on the crank though, a slight rocking developed with a rhythmic metalic scraping sound a mile from home, percussionally this helped my pedal rhythm but mechanically I’m sure its a worry. Off now to source the replacement fittings so until the next posting.

Dodgey week over…

April 29th, 2008 by ianmadelin in Ian's Training

Training was impacted by work demands and a puncture on Thursday last week, but I made up for it on Sunday, just under four hours in the saddle and I’m only three miles short of my plan.

Much better this week with the usual mix of cross training, running and cycling. I even managed a double dose of cycling today, twenty at the crack of dawn and ten at four thirty. Although arriving caked in mud and dripping all over the kitchen, the Mrs nearly discharged the shotgun, I managed to mitigate the prospect of conflict by returning to my garden bench, the rain did the rest.

Off to do some dry training now on me Mate’s Wii.

Works a… …pain

April 22nd, 2008 by ianmadelin in Ian's Training

Training is going to plan but work might interfere this week. I’m blocked every day with evenings to suit, and travel is seriously limiting my training time further. The morning run was a grumpy affair and I again apologise to the moggie who fell off the neighbours fence, I seemed to scare it witless, must have been the make up, but I’ll do my best to keep with the plan.

The rear aspect was slowly getting used to the saddle, but it still aches at forty, miles not age of course, but having received advice I will look to invest in a new sofa or alike.

Quick break over I’m back to work now with more training later this evening.

Slow burner…

April 18th, 2008 by ianmadelin in Ian's Training

I knew I’d return with a gentle pace last night but that was me running in ultra slow mode. I thought tow path’s were supposed to be flat, felt like crossing the Himalaya’s. Cross Trainer day today, so looking forward to the soft saddle.

More kit…

April 16th, 2008 by ianmadelin in Ian's Training

I picked up more critical kit yesterday, in the shirts and shades, what more needs to be said…

Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday’s training consists of running and cycling, Tuesday was weight training day carrying significant weight over distance, nothing like what I’ll actually be carrying on the trip but it got my legs burning. I then repeated the route without weight yesterday and took a massive chunk off my time.

Off to Judo and Karate tonight so will do a shorter route matching my planned training target, will burn it getting there working those fast twitch fibres, but will return with a gentle pace working those slow twitch fibres.